Common Known Issues

Known Issues on Jira Server

Many common issues that affect Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira Server are caused by the limitations of Atlassian's Server API. We welcome your votes and comments on issues that cause you pain to encourage Atlassian to give us the tools we need to deliver a better product to you.

For a list of the issues caused by this, see Atlassian Server API Limitations.

Known Issues on Jira Cloud

Several issues related to Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira Cloud are due to the limitations of Atlassian's Cloud API. We are waiting on Atlassian to enable us to fix these issues and would welcome your votes and comments on issues that cause you pain.

For a list of the issues caused by this, see Atlassian Cloud API Limitations.

If none of these solves your issue, please reach out to our Customer Support Team and we will be happy to help!