Security, Privacy & Performance - Easy Agile Roadmaps





Please find information on our security practices here.


We have completed the lite version of the Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire(CAIQ), a survey provided by the Cloud Security Alliance for Cloud consumers and auditors to assess our security capabilities as a Cloud app vendor.

You can find our responses to this questionnaire here.



Q: How do I disable the video Product Intro with sign up form?

To disable the Product Intro, you will need to disable the ‘EA Product Intro’ module in the app. 

Here are steps to walk you through this process:

  1. Navigate to the 'Manage Apps' page under the Administrator menu

  2. Navigate to 'Easy Agile Roadmaps' from your list under 'User-installed apps'

  3. To the right of the Roadmaps listing, expand the 'Modules Enabled' dropdown

  4. Find 'EA Product Intro' from the list of modules, and select 'Disable'


Q: What analytics does Easy Agile Roadmaps capture and why?

Easy Agile captures analytics events from our products and stores these in a private analytics database hosted on Amazon Web Services in the United States of America.

No Personally Identifiable Information is included in the analytics events sent.

We do include the license Support Entitlement Number (SEN) to improve your customer support experience. For example, in the event you experience an error and raise a support request we are able to diagnose the problem quicker. We also collect an anonymous and random unique identifier for each browser session, this unique identifier (UUID) is not tied to, or seeded from, a user's personally identifiable information.

Example analytics event data we receive:

Add-on Key

SEN (Support Entitlement Number)


Event Data



Add-on Key

SEN (Support Entitlement Number)


Event Data






{"boardId": 14, "boardType": "kanban", "isConnect": false, "themeCount": 4, "browserName": "Firefox", "jiraVersion": "8.8.1", "screenWidth": 1680, "windowWidth": 1656, "earjsVersion": "3.0.170", "loadDuration": 2597, "projectCount": 6, "readOnlyMode": false, "screenHeight": 1050, "windowHeight": 886, "browserVersion": "75", "estimationType": "n/a", "isAdministrator": true, "screenFormatted": "1680x1050", "windowFormatted": "1656x886", "syncedIssueCount": 9, "scheduledEpicCount": 10, "unSyncedIssueCount": 1, "dueDateFieldWritable": true, "invalidScheduleCount": 0, "selectedTimelineType": "week", "isSystemAdministrator": true, "startDateFieldWritable": false, "numberOfMultipleSchedules": 5, "issuesUsingADateFieldCount": 9, "multipleScheduleIssueCount": 2, "issuesUsingBothDateFieldsCount": 0, "issuesScheduledOnMultipleBoards": 0}

2017-03-20 22:54:39.488+00






2017-03-20 22:53:22.433+00



Q: How do I disable the analytics events from Easy Agile Roadmaps from being sent to Easy Agile?

To disable analytics events being sent to us, you will need to disable the ‘ear-load-analytics' module in the app. 

Here are steps to walk you through this process:

  1. Navigate to the 'Manage Apps' page under the Administrator menu

  2. Navigate to 'Easy Agile Roadmaps' from your list under 'User-installed apps'

  3. To the right of the Roadmaps listing, expand the 'Modules Enabled' dropdown

  4. Find 'EA Analytics' from the list of modules, and select 'Disable'



Easy Agile Roadmaps is a simple, static javascript application which runs entirely in the user's browser, using the Jira Software REST APIs as its data source. 

Some of our happy enterprise customers include Bosch, JP Morgan, BMW, Oracle, IBM and Coca Cola. 

Easy Agile Roadmaps is fully supported by our entire Product and Engineering team and in active development. We are committed to growing and developing the capabilities of our team to ensure a scalable, performant product today and into the future.